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"Explore Trees, Discover Nature. " -Fr.Principal

Grevillea robusta(Silver Oak), it is a tree, the largest species in its genus but is not closely related to the true oaks.It is a native of eastern coastal Australia, growing in riverine, subtropical and dry rainforest environments. Robusta is a Latin word meaning "strong like oak" or "robust".


Grevillea robusta, commonly known as the silver oak.It is a fast-growing evergreen tree with a single main trunk, growing to 5–40 m (20–100 ft) tall.The bark is dark grey and furrowed. Its leaves are fern-like, 10–34 cm (4–10 in) long, 9–15 cm (4–6 in) wide and divided with between 11 and 31 main lobes. The carpel (the female part) of each flower has a stalk 21–28 mm (0.8–1 in) long. Flowering occurs from September to November and the fruit that follows is a glabrous follicle.


1. silver oak timber was widely used for external window joinery, as it is resistant to wood rot.
2. It has been used in the manufacture of furniture, cabinetry, and fences.
3. Recently silver oak has been used for side and back woods on guitars .
4. Used as a wind breakers and it used as a shade tree for plantations and as a stake for the climbers like pepper.
5. It is also very useful to control erosion around streams and to reclaim old pasture land.
6. This plant is used to treat sore throats, earache, chest problems, flu and toothache.